I know what you’re thinking. Claire, peanut butter and pumpkin don’t go together, unless you’re talking about pumpkin-shaped Reese’s!!! Trust me on this one you guys. It is a widely known fact that I consume more peanut butter than is…
Why I Switched My Major
It’s been over a month since my last ‘Life Lately’ (I’m thinking this can be a monthly thing??) and while most things are the same, one major thing has changed…
Fall Wishlist
Happy Monday guys! The weather is finally cooling off (and by that I mean it’s below 70 is the mornings) and getting me excited for sweaters, boots, and fall trends! 1. This sweater 😍 I love that it’s simple, but still trendy with…
A Weekend In NYC
If you were keeping up on Insta-stories, you probably noticed I was in NYC for a few days! It was so nice to take a break from school and explore the city with my mom. We went for my grandpa’s…
Blue on Blue on Blue
Hey y’all! Hope your Monday is off to a good start! It’s still crazy hot here in the Fort, but I’m so ready to transition into fall fashion. Right now, that means lightweight tops like this one from Gap, but hopefully…
Big Little Week
Hello hello! I had so much fun putting together baskets for my little and I thought a little post sharing what I put in her baskets would be fun! And at the end I’ll share some pics from reveal!!