A lot of you know my love for all things organization runs deep! I recently perfected my closet organization (full video tour in my IG and TikTok) and thought I would give you my very best tips for organizing! Many of these were taught to me via The Home Edit, Pinterest, or through my own trial and error.
An organized closet makes it much easier to get dressed and see what you have! And if you’re like me, it just makes you happy to look at. These tips work whether you have a walk-in closet or the smallest space to work with! I’ve had all of the above over the years and these tips and tricks have made it as seamless as possible (I have a lot of clothes okay…) when moving between different spaces. So here are my favorite tips for closet organization!
All my favorite organizational items are linked at the end of this post!
Organize by Color
I think organizing by color is the best way to do things! It makes it easy to find a white top or pink dress when you need it. Some people like true rainbow order (ROYGBIV), but you can do any order of colors that you’d like. For example, I own maybe two red items so I tend to stick them towards the back of the order and keep colors I wear more frequently up front.

Organize by Season
In a smaller space, I like to organize by season as well. That could mean storing out of season items in a different place, or just putting out of season clothes towards the back of your closet. No need for your chunky sweaters and turtlenecks to be front and center during the summer! You can organize by season and then color within each season. Which brings us to zones…
Create Designated Zones
If you’re a fan of The Home Edit you know all about zones. Everything needs a zone! Seasons can be zones, items can be zones (ex. tops, pants, pajamas, etc.). Certain zones are obvious, but you can create your own. Zones are meant to work for you! If it’s easy for you to have all your workout gear in one place, don’t worry about pants and tops needing to be ‘separate.’ If your work clothes aren’t something you wear on the weekends, feel free to create ‘work’ and ‘weekend/after work’ zones! Again, it’s all about what makes sense for the way you get dressed each day.

Make Hanging Space Count!
My favorite hangers are these thin velvet ones. They look uniform, don’t take up too much space, and nothing slips off! If you hang your pants (which I do, but you can always fold too), you need these pant hangers that make it so easy to pull a pair of pants out of the closet without messing around with a normal hanger! Another way to utilize hanging space are these hanging compartments that allow you to fold sweaters (I do not recommend hanging sweaters, personally). These are especially great if you don’t have much drawer or shelf space, but have lots of hanging space. You could use these hangers for pants as well!

Label Everything
Y’all know I love a label. Something that helps me stay organized is labeling what goes where on the inside of my drawers, on a certain shelf or in a certain bin! This might be a little Type A but I love how it looks and helps me keep everything in order. This is the label maker I use and love for drawers/smaller spaces. For bins I buy labels from The Home Edit line and use these bin clips!
Use Dividers and Baskets to Contain
Another way to keep everything contained and in its spot is using drawer dividers or baskets that properly fit in your drawers or on your shelves. I love these acrylic drawer dividers – they work wonders for keep smaller items like sports bras or running shorts neat! If you have shelf space in your closet like I do, using these acrylic dividers is another great way to designate zones.

Learn How to Fold Properly
If you’re not folding items correctly and filing them vs. stacking, your drawers will never look perfectly organized! This might not feel super important to some, but I want my drawers to look uniform and neat when I open them, and I also want to see everything that is inside. Most of what I know about folding I learned from The Folding Lady on IG, who has a video for just about anything you can fold!!

I hope these closet organization tips help you organize whether you have the closet of your dreams or are working with small or complicated space! I am constantly organizing from closets to pantries to drawers, so I will happily provide more organizational posts if anyone is interested.
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