Hi, I’m Claire!
Lover of stripes, Taylor Swift, and anything chocolate!
I grew up just outside of San Francisco, CA and at two years old developed a ‘passion for fashion’ as my mom would tell you. This passion led me to an internship at Nordstrom as a part of their Fashion Ambassador program. If any of you are in high school and are looking for a fashion based internship, I cannot recommend Nordstrom’s program enough. I learned so much and am forever grateful for the experience!
After high school I decided to take a leap of faith and attend Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas. How does a Jewish girl from CA end up at a Southern Christian school? Great question! I talk a bit about it here 😉 As you may have guessed, Texas was an entirely new experience for me! From the people to the food to the culture. And while I enjoyed my time at TCU, have a deep love for Fort Worth, and met the greatest friends I could ask for, I am a CA girl through and through. Despite that, I wouldn’t change my four years in the South for anything.
While at TCU I majored in Strategic Communication with an emphasis in Public Relations and minored in Women and Gender Studies. But, figuring out my major was a long and emotional process for me. I bounced around between a few different majors and had a few emotional breakdowns along the way. Luckily, I found my place and was thrilled with where I ended up!
I graduated from TCU in May of 2020 in the midst of the pandemic, spent two years living at home in the Bay Area while working 9-5 at Gap Inc. I love love love my job – I dreamed of working for Gap Inc. through college and I still cannot believe my first ‘big girl’ job is the one I aspired to for so many years!
All opinions expressed on this site are my own and do not reflect that of Gap Inc.
After the roller coaster of the past two years I made the move back to Texas, this time to Dallas! Lucky for me, I now get to do my job remotely from Dallas, TX. Updates on the big move to come!
The Blog…
As you’ll learn very quickly, my wardrobe contains a lot of white, blue, and stripes. And I’m a sucker for anything that contains all of the above! This blog started out as a typical ‘fashion blog,’ but over the years has come to include all facets of my life! From clean beauty products to what I’m reading to the not-so-fun things. I want to share the important things, the unimportant things, and everything in-between. There’s a place for all of that here! And all are welcome here.
What I hope is that when you read my blog, you find relatability. I hope you see a little bit of yourself in this tiny space on the internet. I’m not perfect, this blog certainly isn’t perfect, and there is so much beauty in that. I have found such joy in sharing my life here, from the big moments to the wishlists, and I hope you enjoy following along.
I love to make new friends, so if you have any questions or just want to chat, Please feel free to shoot me an email (claire.alison.ruskin@gmail.com) or DM me on Instagram (@claire.alison.ruskin).
Thanks for stopping by, I’m so excited to have you here!!
xx, c